Hiren Thaker- Visa Experts & career Counsellor
Pioneered GTU's International Experience Program [IEP]. 1500 students in summer programs and 200 students in full time education
Mindfulness: State of being aware about yourself
Mindfulness is state of mind through which we are looking forward to help young minds of 18 to 28 years of age on how to manage stress and avoid being let down by the stress and day to day anxieties, challenges and problems.
To learn how to deal with your fears, anxiety and worries as young person, we are helping you with the paid sessions either offline or online mode with minimal charges.
Our aim with this services is to empower the young minds on how to deal with the challenges that are putting them in mental pressure, stress, confusion about career, career & life goals and anxiety.
Your privacy is the most important thing for us
We would like to assure every one who is going to use our paid services, your identity will never revel to any of the third party or staff. I Hiren Thaker, a career counselling solely has access to the email address to which you send your issues and the discussion will be carried out on one to one basis when you opt for your session to help you overcome your worries.
Hiren Thaker
I cannot claim that I am the best person in the whole world but I can assure you that after dealing with thousands and thousands of students and talking them, I have realized that every one might have similar issues but the solutions can be multiple or different for every individual. So I provide the customized services from person to person and there no group sessions unless otherwise required.
In no circumstances, your names or identity will be revealed to any of the person. We also do not keep any personal records of the clients and once we finish our sessions we discard all the unnecessary conversations to respect the privacy of the person.