The update about drop box visa
The US consulate has already started working for centralizing some of the drop box visa categories at centralized locations.
What is drop box visa or Interview waver?
There are some conditions based on which a person can get US visa without appearing for an interview. We already have put simplified post on out site on 27 December, 2021. You can read this at However, it is possible that the consulate may ask you to come for an interview if they need.
Centralizing of the some visas services:
- visiting visa for interview waver are centralized in New Delhi
- H & L type of visa interview wave applications are processed at Chennai
Does it mean you need to visit either New Delhi or Chennai ?
You may submit your documents to VAC (Visa Application Center) not US consulate at the these the given Locations.
New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad or Mumbai at free of cost.
In addition, you may submit your application the following cities VACs at nominal charges of INR 850
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Cochin, Jalandhar or Pune
If you are not aware which documents are needed. We encourage you or advise you to visit our contact us section and scan the QR code and contact us.